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Learning Activating Your Merkaba Course
What is Merkaba?
The Merkaba is a rotating, geometric, crystalline Light-Energy field that extends around the body approximately 55 feet (16.8 meters). It is both a visualization and breathing meditation that activates your Fifth Dimensional, Light Body. Practiced over 16,000 years ago, the Merkaba was known before this civilization existed. By remembering and activating your Merkaba, you will achieve unparalleled awakening – both now and as the planet goes through its upcoming transformation. Learn to operate your Merkaba and learn to transcend the time-space continuum and dimensional limitations. Learn the Merkaba correctly and become fifth dimensional in your third dimensional body.
History of the Merkaba
The Origin of Merkaba
The Merkaba was used to create this Universe. It is a rotating, geometric, crystalline Light-Energy field that extends around the body approximately 55 feet (16.8 meters). It is both a visualization and breathing meditation that activates your Fifth Dimensional, Light Body. Practiced over 16,000 years ago, the Merkaba was known before this civilization existed. By remembering and activating your Merkaba, you will achieve unparalleled awakening – both now and as the planet goes through its upcoming transformation. Learn to operate your Merkaba and learn to transcend the time-space continuum and dimensional limitations. Learn the Merkaba correctly and become fifth dimensional in your third dimensional body.
What is Merkaba?
Ultimately, the Merkaba draws its inspiration from Ezekiel 1:10 and is related to the Book of Revelation. It is a vehicle supported and drawn by cherubim, which is also the throne and a still small voice that God manifested himself to Elijah. Perhaps this is the Higher Self of today’s language. The actual throne on its chariot goes back to the first chapter of Ezekiel, and this throne of glory is a source of long mystical and visionary traditions. Some versions delete the word Mercavah while referring to the vehicle. But it was most certainly the chariot that Ezekiel saw.
The Flying Vehicle
According to a later tradition found in the Zohar, written by the Spanish kabbalist Moses de Leon, the “Vision of Ezekiel” was a flying vehicle. Personally, I have always interpreted the Merkaba as a flying vehicle that you build by yourself for yourself. I believe that all who have had knowledge of this either knew or assumed that it was meant for man at some point. In Ezekiel, he is commanded to ingest part of it. All versions of the Merkavah in the sacred literature contain references to angels. Archangel Michael has been with me all of my life, especially as an instructor of the Merkaba. He clearly came through during the writing of this and identified himself as the original sponsor of the Merkaba in the dedication. Confusing? Yes, this is why it is a vehicle, yet it could be anything! For sure, it is a manifestation field, because it truly is a fifth-dimensional garment that, when remembered and activated, enables the wearer to accomplish that which was not possible before.
The Merkaba & Sacred Geometry
The Merkaba uses the same numbers that are in sacred geometry and ratios continuously found throughout the body, nature, and creation, such as the ratio of your fingers to your hand, and your hand to your arm. This golden ratio (or Phi) is also found in sacred sites, such as the dimensions within the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The Merkaba creates an impenetrable field around your body, allowing you to love unconditionally, without fear. It allows you to keep your heart open in difficult circumstances. It allows you to know when the truth is being spoken. It allows you to connect to your Divine Self in a much easier way than you can on your own.
Why Is Activating the Merkaba Important Today?
Are you busy? Is your life full? How are you going to keep up? With all that’s going on around the planet right now, it’s more important than ever to stand solid within your Higher Self. Not only will practicing the Merkaba help keep you in an energy field of healing and love, but its effects will ripple out and positively affect others around you to heal as well.
The Merkaba & 5D (Fifth Dimension)
Everyone is going 5D. How will you know? 5D is the Fifth Dimension, where love is the governing force, and you are at your Higher Self or Heavenly Self. Here, the Merkaba is your 5D uniform. You can use it to gain a mastery of 5D for longer periods of time. It is a tool that will allow you to expand your consciousness and allow you to learn things that you didn’t know…and that you didn’t know you could know!
What People are Saying
Your explanation of irrational numbers was phenomenal. I have a degree in Physics and Biology, and, for the first time, the beauty and mystery of a mechanism that drives our reality toward change became clearer to me from a spiritual sense. Great Job!
V. Mandarine, New York, NY
You have a very unique energy, it’s different to other teachers I have met. It resonates with something deep in me and gives me endorphins! I hope you enjoyed your time in AUS and fulfilled your purpose.
Robin Kalfat, Melbourne, AS
Maureen is the real deal. Learning the 17 Breath Merkaba – The Classic is like going to where there is wifi. Your connection to Source is greatly improved!
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Jane Wilcox, Designer
Why Learn the Classic 17-Breath Meditation?
The Classic 17-Breath Merkaba
What I teach is the original 17-Breath Merkaba (aka the Classic Merkaba), and teachers for this program are becoming rare – in fact, the only place you can currently learn it is through video. Although other methods have been introduced over the years, none have been able to demonstrate that their changes have improved the original Merkaba, nor have they helped individuals with their ascension work. The original formula is too good to give up! Make mine the Classic Merkaba.
Like Being in the Workshop, but Better
We’ve recorded a full, immersive workshop, but cut out all the breaks and extraneous information, so you have a very compact, concise opportunity to learn the original 17-Breath Merkaba.
Ideal Methods
Even though you can find the meditation on the internet and in books, learning it correctly on your own, without a certified instructor, is nearly impossible. During the original Flower of Life Workshops, I worked with thousands of participants, many of whom openly admitted that they learned the Merkaba before the class, either from reading a book or through some outside source. Out of all those participants, only three people over the years ever had it right! Learning the Merkaba incorrectly will certainly not
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